Restoring Your Health Naturally


The DH Natural Medicine Clinic  is a member of In private International Health Guild which is a private, membership-based organisation and is functioning for entertainment purposes only. No information shared or discussed should be considered as legal or health advice. By visiting and entering this website or any of its entertainment libraries in any way you hereby agree that you entered into a private domain subject to the private membership terms of InPrivate International Health Guild.

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Our Clinic is committed to providing an exceptional health care service in a welcoming, relaxed, caring and professional manner. Our Clinic’s reputation is based on integrity, quality of service, commitment and a thorough approach to our client’s medical condition.

We specialise in:

  • Allergies
  • Anti-aging
  • Auto-immune conditions
  • Cardiovascular conditions
  • Digestive disorders
  • Female reproductive system
  • Menopause
  • Mould toxicity
  • Skin conditions
  • Stress and insomnia
  • Thyroid dysfunction.

Our Clinic has the best and the latest Health Analytical Tool and the Specialised Screening Tool . Both analytical tools are gentle and non-invasive with no side effects with the use of sound scientific and clinical research.




Danuta Hulajko founded the DH – Natural Medicine Clinic in 2000. She uses her multidisciplinary knowledge, experience and scientific diagnostic tools in conjunction with natural medicine.

Our latest analytical equipment and other naturopathic tests assist us in identifying the root of your health imbalances. Danuta takes the time to listen to you and understand where the problem may stem from. She can then prescribe a fully individualised treatment plan for you, to help you live a healthier, happier and more fulfilling life.

I had an ultrasound last week, there were no kidney stones anymore. Thank you for saving my kidneys.

Robert, Sydney (55 years old)

Just one month into Danuta’s treatment I realised that it's easier for me to walk up the stairs. But my biggest achievement so far, I walked from my car to Big W for the first time in 3 years! And I'm not on pain killers anymore! I have started walking 10 minutes a day. I feel very confident that the treatment is working.

Rhonda, Bangor (50 years old) Chronic hip pain after injury 15 years ago

Your herbal tonic and the supplements are the best thing I have taken in 10 years, I have not slept so well in 10 years. I felt immediate relief. Now I get more sleep, before I was controlling myself so I would not suffocate in my sleep.

Male (61 years old) Suffering from chronic sinusitis for 20 years

I am not bloated anymore. The most improvement was in my bowel movement. I had not realised that I was constipated. I have lost 4 kg. I used to wake up every hour at night, so I couldn't comprehend anything the next morning. The herbal tonic, which Danuta gave me makes me very rested at night. My heartburn is 80% gone and I am starting to taste my food again, salads in particular.

Maria J (53 years old) Chronic fatigue syndrome for 24 years

Danuta explained to me the concept of the Biocompatibility Hair Analysis and the Wellness Program, which I decided to participate in. Since I have been on the program, my sinuses have cleared up, my depression has become minimal, and my fibromyalgia has significantly improved. The diet has had a positive impact on my overall well-being and was the best decision I made. I can thoroughly recommend it to anyone whose health is suffering and genuinely wants to feel well again.

Donna S. (45 years old) Suffered from sinusitis, fibromyalgia, depression

Allergies and food sensitivities. All environmental and domestic allergens can be assessed in our Clinic

Aging can be slowed down, meaning degenerative diseases shouldn’t stop you from enjoying life.

Diabetes, Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid arthritis and many more autoimmune conditions can be treated or managed naturally in conjunction with medications.

Formation of plaque in the arteries is preventable and reversible with diet, lifestyle, and natural supplements. Other heart conditions are preventable and can be managed naturally or alongside medications.

Female Reproductive

Endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome, infertility or uterine fibroids are conditions which affect many women. Find out how we can help you.


Menopause doesn’t need to be unpleasant. Find out how to treat menopause symptoms without hormone replacement therapy.

Health Analytical Tool

Health Analytical Tool is a non-invasive, safe, and cost-effective scientific scanning system that traces any condition in the body through changes in the resonance of tissues.

Mould exposure is a big heath issue in Australia. 30% of our patients have health conditions which are related to mycotoxins and mould. We have great results treating such patients.

Eczema, psoriasis and other skin conditions could be due to autoimmunity, poor digestion, parasites or food allergies. Our Health Analytical  Tools can assist us in precise pinpointing of all factors.

We cannot avoid stress but we can learn how to manage and react to it. Our 16 week Stress Less Program shows you exactly how to do it.

Thyroid diseases are rapidly  increasing. There are many complex factors contributing to healthy thyroid function.  We have a good record of treating thyroid and Hashimoto’s and Graves’ disease.

We tailor our Weight Loss Program to your individual needs as we recognise that everybody is different and that the underlying causes are different as well.

Upcoming Events

We have no events right now, but please get in touch with us for any specials.


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